There are lot of free apps in iTunes store to do this purpose. Here is the one simple application for the same purpose. Available for the iPhone 4 LED Light is a pretty simple, single-use app. It turns on your light as soon as you launch the app, and it turns off just as easily.

There’s nothing more to it beyond that, but it’s definitely worth downloading if you want to put that light to good use when you’re running around in the dark. LED Light is a free download from the iTunesApp Store. Here is the  download link. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.


How to use iPhone 4 LED as a Flash Light  - 49How to use iPhone 4 LED as a Flash Light  - 77How to use iPhone 4 LED as a Flash Light  - 54How to use iPhone 4 LED as a Flash Light  - 72How to use iPhone 4 LED as a Flash Light  - 47